Welcome to Corporatelogos.ws
We are the premier corporate logo resource site on the internet. If you’re looking for great designs for your company, regardless of its stage of development, you have definitely come to the right place.
We Started
This website was started because there is a shocking lack of resources available online involving corporate logos. These logos are very different from the kind of logos people get.
Get a Logo
Usually, people would get a logo for their blog. Maybe people would get a nice little graphic for the little celebration they’re having with their families and friends.
We Are Corporatelogo
That’s all well and good, but corporate logos actually have a lot more going for them. There is a lot more at stake. We’re talking about possibly millions of dollars.
Think of it!
Now, you may be thinking to yourself that you probably don’t need a corporate logo if your company just got started. You may be thinking that this is the kind of thing that you would only get if your company is raking in millions of dollars every single year.
Well, think again. In fact, if you are conscientious regarding the kind of branding elements you present to the general public, there is a strong chance that you would also be conscientious in other areas of your business. There’s a strong chance that you pay a lot of attention across the board. And this increases the likelihood that your business would be a success.
Success of Making
Now, whether you define success as making $100,000 a year or making tens of millions of dollars a year, success is just around the corner because you are taking your business seriously. It doesn’t really get any simpler than that.
The big difference between a business that goes on to create a tremendous amount of jobs because it earns millions of dollars every single year and a business that remains small and struggles from year to year to stay afloat really boils down to attention to detail.
I know that seems small. At some level or another, it might even seem shallow and superficial, but make no mistake, when you pay a lot of attention to the small stuff, it all adds up. Because the small stuff actually reflects the values and the character of the organization you’re managing.
How Things Are
It really all boils down to that. And if you are not aware of how things line up and how things are interconnected, then it’s no surprise why your organization, regardless of its size, and regardless of how many dollars it has, is struggling at some level or another.
You have to remember that a little bit of system building, as well as methodical management, can go a long way in ensuring your firm’s success. There are no two ways about it. You have to keep coming back to this point over and over again.
There’s really not much of a difference between really good managers and managers who suck. Seriously. The big difference is the willingness to pay attention to details.
It’s not IQ, it’s not intelligence, it’s not how good you are with people. While those are important, ultimately, it boils down to conscientiousness.
I raise these issues because too many corporate logos fail. That’s right, they don’t do the job. Far from it. They don’t even present a logical or a coherent set of values that people would read into these logos. They’re just free floating.
It’s kind of like some sort of mental abstraction. They may look pretty, they may attract attention, but they’re very shallow. At the end of the day, they are either confusing or they are too fleeting. They didn’t really have much of an impact.
We Grab Your Attention
They grabbed your attention, but as quickly as they got your attention, you almost instantly forgot about them as well. This is the paradox of modern corporate logos.
There are so many brand elements out there, there are so many graphics out there that people simply tune them out. This really is too bad because, to a certain extent, the modern market for corporate logos is the victim of its own success.
As more and more businesses decide to invest in getting some sort of logo, the market has filled up with all these graphics. It also came to pass that more and more people are outsourcing work to places like India, Pakistan, the Philippines, and other parts of the world. This led to a massive oversupply of corporate logos.

Getting the Idea
It seems that regardless of how far fetched the idea, regardless of how half-baked the idea, regardless of how unprepared the company getting the logo is, they can get their hands on a logo. So they go ahead and do that, and they add another graphic to an already saturated market.

And it’s no surprise that there’s just too much for everybody, and people start tuning this stuff out. That’s right. These logos, regardless of their merits, regardless of how inspired they may be at some level or another, and regardless of how sublime their design elements, simply fall between the cracks.
And it’s no surprise that there’s just too much for everybody, and people start tuning this stuff out. That’s right. These logos, regardless of their merits, regardless of how inspired they may be at some level or another, and regardless of how sublime their design elements, simply fall between the cracks.
And the worst part to all of this is when a company gets a logo done, they pretty much stick with that logo, come hell or high water.
It’s kind of like getting a jacket for your sixth grade class and refusing to let go of that jacket when you have finished college. You’ve grown bigger, your needs have changed, you definitely look different now than when you were in sixth grade. But none of that matters because you’ve grown accustomed to that logo.
Logo are Awesome!
Maybe it’s some sort of emotional attachment, maybe you’re looking at it as some sort of emotional comfort blanket, or maybe you’re just too lazy. Whatever the case may be, you hang on to it. The same applies to your logo.
Your logo has to scale up with your brand values. If you need proof of this, look at the history of the logo of Starbucks and Amazon. Their logos, when they got started, looked very different from what their logos look now. You should do the same.
Evolution is part of the game. If you are not moving forward and changing, you are slowly dying. There are really no other options. You either move ahead or you move down. Your logo is part of this trend.
So do yourself a big favor, invest a tremendous amount of time, attention and effort on finding the very best corporate logos for your business. Make those logos part of your greater corporate messaging strategy.

I can’t emphasize that word enough. It really all boils down to strategy. If you don’t have one, you’re essentially preparing your company for an early death sooner rather than later.
Disposable Vaping Electronic Cigarettes
In the world of e-cigarettes, there are various types of cigarettes. Some of them are long-lasting and bigger in size while the others are small and give out fewer vapors for a concise vaping experience. In these categories also, you will find the cigarettes of multiple types. One of the most common types of e-cigs is the disposable e-cig. This type of cigarette is like the normal tobacco based cigarette but works in the same manner as the electronic cigarettes.
One time useable e-cigs
Generally, the e-cigs are designed for repeated use. Users can refill the vape juice tank and continue to use it as long as they want. This type of e-cig is best for those who are passionate smokers and are unable to give up smoking. If you are not an enthusiast about smoking every time but just vape occasionally then disposable e-cigs are the best option. This type of e-cig is needed to be thrown away after the vape-tank is exhausted. Thus, you don’t have to think about refilling the e-cig as you have to throw away the e-cigs when it is fully exhausted.
Enjoy the fun of flavors
Disposable e-cigs are available in a wide range of flavors to give the exciting fun to the vapers. Some of the popular flavors in e-cigs include tobacco, menthol, mint, fruit and cherry crush. These E-juices are available with different nicotine strengths as well, you can learn more about vape juice here. From 2% to 5% nicotine is present in the disposable e-cigs. Thus, you have the option to choose any strength of nicotine-based disposable e-cigs according to your choice.
No mess of refilling the vape tank
Most of the e-cigs are available with refillable vape juice tanks which are needed to be refilled. Different types of electronic cigarettes have the different method of refilling the vape juices. Hence, it can be messy to refill the vape juice tank when it is empty. It is even more inconvenient when you are not at home. You will also be required to check the level of vape juice in the tank and ensure that it is full when you are going out. Otherwise, you will have to carry the vape juice bottles along with you so that you can refill the tank anytime anywhere. With the disposable e-cigs, there is no such issue.
The compact design of the disposable e-cig
Disposable e-cigs are available in a variety of stylish compact designs. These have the internal vape juice tank in which the e-liquid is filled. There are no charging points as they are already available with the already charged battery which can be used for triggering the atomizer to release the vapors. This is how the design of disposable e-cigs is compact. There is no button to activate the heating of element or coil used in this e-cig while its working is similar to that of the closed e-cigs.
Recognizable sign to throw away the e-cigs
Since disposable e-cigs don’t have the visible e-liquid tank, so many people question when they should throw away the disposable e-cig. Two main signs to recognize the right time to throw your disposable e-cig are less flavor and vapor production. If you notice these two signs then throw away your e-cig and get a new one.
Your Logo is Not Your Brand
One of the most commonly held mistakes or misconceptions regarding logos is that they are one and the same as the brand.
For example, if you are looking for Starbucks locations and you see the logo, you’re basically saying, “That is the Starbucks brand.” The Starbucks brand in your mind is this mermaid-looking character set in green, white and black.
Well, that’s absolutely incorrect. You have to understand that brand is a broader concept than logo.
Think of two circles. One circle is huge, and this is your brand. Another circle is very, very small, and this is your logo. Now, place the logo circle inside the brand circle. What this means is that your logo is your brand, but your brand is not necessarily your logo.
Your brand is something more. Your brand involves values that people associate with when they see that logo. But it also involves the values that come to people’s minds when they hear the name of your business. That’s your brand as well.
Also, when people go to your business and they enjoy the coffee or they enjoy the books or they enjoy your plumbing services, the range of emotions they feel, their overall assessment of the experience they just had, as well as many different factors, play a role in your brand as well. Because brand, ultimately, is the big deal that you should be focused on.
Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that you should completely drop the ball as far as your logo is concerned. I’m not saying that you should completely skip out on your logo and pick any random logo, and call it a day so you can focus on your brand.
Well, if you were to do that, you would not be paying close attention to your brand. You will be doing your brand a big disservice because you might be shooting yourself in the foot.
Instead, you have to look at the values that your business brings to the table. You’re not just solving a problem, but you’re representing a particular human value.
For example, when people go to a Starbucks, they’re looking for quality coffee, that is true, but they’re also looking for an environment. They’re looking for a predictable and consistent set of values that they can grow to rely on.
The value of Starbucks is that it is a welcoming place. It goes out of its way to greet you. It goes out of the way to be courteous. It goes out of its way to make you feel like you matter and that they recognize and appreciate you.
Now, compare this with another coffee shop, maybe a coffee shop around the corner or across the street. When you go in, people are rude. You have to wait and make eye contact with somebody for them to serve you. When they’re serving you, they are very dismissive and sometimes insulting. Sometimes they’re even confrontational.
Which coffee shop would you rather go to? Would it really matter if the corner mom and pop shop charges a fraction of the price Starbucks charges? Probably not.
Do you see how this works? You go to Starbucks because it’s a brand. It is not a logo. There are certain expectations that you have about the brand that’s why you go back again and again and again.
Keep this in mind. If you’re able to do this, then you would be able to keep your logo distinct from your company’s brand.
Your Logo is Failing You If It Does Not Do This
Your Logo is Failing You If It Does Not Do This
A lot of people think that getting a corporate logo is just another task list item.
Every single day, most business people have a to-do list. These are the things that they’re supposed to do for that day. They know that they are going to be pushing their business forward and serving their business’ best interest if they go through this list and knock off as many items in this list as possible.
Sounds good so far, right? Well, here’s the thing. If you put “Get a logo” on your task list and you order from a place like Fiverr, don’t be surprised if your business is not helped. In fact, don’t be all that shocked if your business is actually harmed by your decision.
How come? Well, your logo cannot do branding. It can reflect branding, it can reflect that identity that you have built so far for your business, but it cannot create that identity for you.
You have to do it. Nobody else will do it for you. You have to step up. And unfortunately, a lot of people think that they just need to get a graphical logo and call it a day.
Maybe they would reverse engineer a competitor. Maybe they would get inspired by a renowned international logo. Whatever the case may be, they think that as long as the logo looks good and is distinctive enough, that’s all they need.
This is a serious problem because your logo is failing you when you start thinking along those lines. Why? You have to promote your logo. You have to fine tune it. And most importantly, you have to deeply integrate it with the kind of values you want people to automatically think about when they interact with your business.
If people engage with your business at some level or another, you want them to have some sort of association regarding a series of values.
For example, I’m not a big fan of McDonald’s burgers. I know for a fact that there are tons of other local, small-time, mom and pop, one-man band burger shops out there that just blow McDonald’s out of the water.
Whether we’re talking about taste, texture, presentation, freshness, you name it. Most of these places just completely obliterate McDonald’s. It’s not even close. But why do people go to McDonald’s all day, every day? Why do people feel that they can’t help but eat there?
Well, it’s very simple. When you go to McDonald’s and you see the golden arches, you gain a sense of assurance that the quality you will get, as far as the food and the service are concerned, will be consistent.
In other words, if you go to Seoul, South Korea, Tokyo, Japan, Manila, Philippines, Los Angeles, California, San Francisco, California, Rome, Italy, Berlin, Germany, London, England, or Washington DC and all points in between, if you find yourself in a restaurant with the golden arches, the food is going to have the same texture, the same flavor, and the people greeting you, regardless of language differences and cultural variations, will have the same attitude.
In other words, the value you’re looking for is reliability. You’re looking for a place you can trust to not let you down.
Now, here’s the thing. The quality is not that high, but at least it’s not that high consistently.
Let’s say, you’re going to rate McDonald’s burgers from 0 to 10, if your rating for McDonald’s is 3, it does give you quite a bit of peace of mind to know that that 3 will be preserved whether you’re eating at Tokyo, Rome, London, or San Francisco. Do you see how this works?
Your logo has to project the value that you want people to associate with the quality of your business. Otherwise, your logo is failing you.
If it’s pretty or it looks good, it’s worthless. Because if that’s all it brings to the table, then it’s not serving you. It has to connect or associate with certain values that will get people to come back again and again and again.
Great Logos Do Not have to Be Expensive
There’s a common misconception in American corporate business culture that if you want the very best, you have to pay an arm and a leg. In other words, the idea is that if you pour a lot of money into something, it’s only a matter of time until you get the very best the market has to offer.
This is absolutely wrong. Seriously. I don’t even know where to begin in pointing out why this is so wrong.
While it is true that if you pay peanuts, you will probably attract monkeys, it doesn’t work the other way around. It doesn’t automatically follow that if you spend enough money to buy a BMW that you get a BMW. It doesn’t work that way.
Why? Well, it’s not because the people you hired for a tremendous amount of money aren’t trying. They definitely have all the incentive in the world to try to do a bang up job.
It’s not like these people haven’t been around the block before. After all, they are charging a lot of money and they get premium clients. That’s not the issue.
The issue is having the right standards. The issue is having the right objectives. In other words, the issue is being properly guided.
Unfortunately, a lot of corporations really drop the ball because they assume that just because this company charges a tremendous amount of money and deals mostly with corporations, that they would know the right logo to produce at that exact time.
It’s as if you are automatically assuming that just because somebody has done quite a bit of work in your industry and has dealt with businesses such as yours, that they would instantly know what to do.
That’s assuming too much because, at some level or another, you are assuming that they can read your mind. You are also assuming that they are some sort of industry experts.
Last time I checked, logo designers, and logo design firms don’t really focus on industry. They take whatever business walks through the door. That’s just the nature of the beast. That’s the way the game is played.
And to automatically assume that somehow, some way, just because they have a track record of attracting certain players from specific industries that they would automatically know how to create an amazing logo with almost no input from the client is a fantasy. It really is.
You’re basically just hoping and wishing that they will somehow, some way, hit the spot. I’m telling you, at this point, the chance of them missing the mark is actually quite high.
You have to understand that it is not the cost of the logo that determines whether it’s going to be successful or not. It’s not the amount of dollars and cents you pour into the logo creation process that would ultimately dictate whether that logo will get you more customers or would make your existing customer base more loyal.
You know what will make the big difference? It’s not the money that you spend. Instead, it’s your attention to detail, your guidance, and your hands-on management of the logo creation process.
In other words, when you ask to always be in the loop without necessarily micro managing the project, you stand a chance of getting the kind of logo that will actually produce results.
Now, don’t misunderstand me. This doesn’t mean that the logo must be pretty. This doesn’t mean that the logo must instantly make sense to you. What matters is whether the logo will speak to your target audience in such a way that you get the results that you are looking for.
Learn to keep these things separate and apart from each other. Just because something is pretty, it doesn’t necessarily mean it will convert. Do you see how this works?
So focus on what works. And the good news is that logos do not have to be expensive. You don’t have to pour a significant chunk of your business revenue into a nice looking logo.
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